Exploration of “Dreaming Vividly”- Cynthia Jones

  Exploring the Idea’s behind “Dreaming Vividly” “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” Carl Sandburg Have you ever been aware that you were dreaming? Just for a moment? Wondered why you were where you were? Maybe you woke up from a dream, that was so cool, or crazy awesome / out there that you wanted…

Water Reflection: Auna

Reflection of Water <https://media.textadventures.co.uk/games/PgG6aNft10m6TsqqFB27FA/Water.html>   I wrote this story not only for the class but for myself. Everyone has their own life story and their own tragedies; my brother’s death was my tragedy and is also my family’s tragedy. I decided to put that part of my life story in because it is a part…

“You Can’t Win Them All” Review

You Can’t Win Them All   I have been in EMS and firefighting since I was 15 or 16 years old. Through the years I have gone from an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) to an Emergency Medical Technician 2 (EMT 2)/Firefighter 1, working towards an EMT 3. I have been on countless ambulance calls and…

A Review of “My Best Friend”

“My Best Friend” https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/fdbaudllueu1ux8ukfvqdq/my-best-friend So for my reflection portion of the writing assignment I plan on talking about the  CHOICE  I made as a writer in what I as a writing about. At first when I had started the assignment I had started with a totally different story. It was a lot darker and visually…