Three Life Choices: Deciding which route to take.
The ability for me to choose how to live my life has never really been my decision. For as long as I can remember, my parents were the main source of the outcomes of my life today. My parents are the stereotypical strict asian parents and I always did as I was told. They expected a lot from me considering how well my older sister did in school. I did my best to get straight A’s while also being highly involved with the school I attended. I was in band, cheer, volleyball, the national honor society, committees, and a lot more. Not all of these aspects of high school were bothersome to be because I did enjoy things like band and cheer. Being able to be a part of something like those two activities gave me the idea that I should be allowed to partake in tasks that I find enjoyable in life. It was not until my senior year of high school that I began to look at the bigger pictures in my life. I began to think about what I really wanted to do for the rest of the years to come and this is how I thought of the three life choices.

This is a picture during my junior year of cheer when my team and I won first place in our devision.

Also during my junior year of high school is when the band traveled to Washington, D. C. to perform at the Kennedy Center.

Before going out to the gym where our small class graduation of 32 students was about to take place, I had a picture taken with a few friends.
I am currently living the life of a typical college student, which is also known in my short story as Life Number one. I go to all my classes, listen and pay attention to the lectures provided by my professors as best as I can, then I go back home to study for upcoming exams and finish my assignments. I began thinking more into what my life would be like if I chose a different route. This led me to come up with the second option that I could have taken my life into and that was the choice of not attending a college or any other type of schooling after high school and to just go straight to work. Since there were a few negative aspects that over powered that certain option, I decided to think of something else. My third life choice is something that I hear a lot of people wishing they were able to do and that is the ability to travel and experience what the world has to offer. I have always loved traveling ever since I was a toddler. We would travel to Las Vegas every summer and on top of that, we would take road trips to places like my birthplace, which is San Francisco. We also went to Arizona, little towns and destinations near vegas, and more. I would also look forward to the band and cheer trips that I went on during the four years of my high school experience.
Being able to broaden my experiences throughout the past few years really got me thinking about the other options I am able to take in my life. All of these factors are the main reason that I had for coming up with this idea of the three life choices.
The link to textadventures works, but the story doesn’t play on my computer.
Sorry about the confusement, but here is the working link to my story