Research Proposal Topic

Do you remember your days in the public school system? What subjects do you think were more highly valued? What were some of your worst and best memories associated with the public school system? How highly do you think that America, Alaska, Fairbanks, values public education? More specifically, why is public education one of the…


My proposal is to take a look at lifestyles in Fairbanks, particularly Fairbanks dry cabins. Many people spend summers in dry cabins, I did when I grew up. I think it would be good to see why many Alaskans choose to live in cabins out in the wilderness, and why there are many cabins for…

How Many People Do You Actually Know At UAF?

Walking from class to class, I’ve realized that I see many of the same individuals everyday on campus. Although this is true, I know little to nothing about any of them. This got me thinking about doing my story proposal based off of individuals who attend and work at The University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Getting…

My Proposal

Walkie Charles triggered my interest in doing a digital story about the oppression of the natives and how it affects our community today. Walkie said that as a young boy speaking his native language of Yup’ik was shunned and looked down upon. Because of this he was forced to learn english and basically forget his…